The hyperlinks to the powerpoint slides or documents for the voice presentations are to the right of the names of the presenters if we were given them.
NOTE: If you're doing a presentation for Babel, we would like the text of your chat and an outline if you're doing a voice presentation. These will be put on the website for people who were unable to attend to read.
The schedule is subject to change. We will open up more rooms as need arises.
Babel Schedule of Events
Enter Text
Babel 2023 Schedule as of Jan 10
10:45 ET / 3:45 UTC
Text 1: Opening Remarks/Welcome (Amanda Rose)
11:00 ET / 4:00 UTC
Text 1: Star Trek TNG trivia (Charles Star)
Voice 1: Fleet Management (Amanda Rose, Beth, Kathryn Burke, NC1701-G)
12:00 ET / 5:00 UTC
Text 1: Simming Reflections on Time (Charles Star)
Voice 1: Creating Memorable Characters 2: Adapting for the Genre/Universe (Amanda Rose)
1:00 ET / 6:00 UTC
Voice 1: Shared Stories: Proudly putting our characters through hell. Come share a 2 or 3-minute story of your characters (Moderated by PsioniCM)
Voice 2: How to Play Engineering (Willvoy) PPT
Discord Mini Mission: (rocky) (Link will be in Text-2)
2:00 ET / 7:00 UTC
Text 1: Writing/Playing LGBT+ Characters in a Sci-Fi Setting (Tekanan - et. al)
Voice 1: More than A Feeling: Writing A Ship's Counselor (StarDuster)
3:00 ET / 8:00 UTC
Text 1: How To Play Operations (Kathryn Burke)
Voice 1: Handling Difficult Players - (Valeria92)
4:00 ET / 9:00 UTC
Text 1: Playing Difficult Characters: Good or Bad? (Gregory)
Voice 1: Using AI to Augment Plot/Worldbuilding (iBradPro) PPTX
Discord Science Mini Mission (Valeria92) (Link will be in Text-2)
5:00 ET / 10:00 UTC
Text 1: How to write/participate on a sim when the GM isn't tagging (Atlas June)
Voice 1: Believable Relationships -- How to write romance and friendships that last. (Beth)
6:00 ET / 11:00 UTC
Text 1: Closing Remarks (Beth)
Shared Stories: Proudly putting our characters through hell. Come just to listen, or share a 2-4 minute story of one of your characters and a difficult situation. Session description: As Authors and storytellers, we proudly put our characters through difficult situations that challenge their very being, and they grow beyond their current selves to overcome them. In this Voice session, participants are invited to contribute and listen to short pieces of story presenting a character written: before, during, or after a difficult scenario. Pieces will read out loud (by me, if you would prefer not to read your own). After each piece, we'll have a short discussion of the character, and how they handled the scenario. If you would present a piece: 400-800 words is around 2-4 minutes of out-loud reading. We'll aim cover ten pieces during an hour's session.