What is The Babel Conference and Who Is Organizing It?
What is the Babel Conference (BaCon)?
The Babel Conference is an event where simmers (text-based roleplaying gamers) can come together to meet others, learn--or share--about playing a variety of character types, positions, and games. It's a place to learn a few tips and tricks you can use to be a better cooperative role-player or gamemaster. Simply put, Babel is about players helping players.
We're not about fleets or groups, we're about individuals, because simming is about having fun writing with others. We want to help you add a little more to your game.
We've all had opportunities to learn something new, or to find a way to play our characters that gives them depth and playability. And to help tell a better story or be a better gamemaster. Babel is about sharing that information to help others.
What is that fish in the middle of your logo?
The Babel fish comes from Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series. It's like a universal translator. Once placed in your ear, it lets you talk with and understand anyone in any language. We thought it appropriate for a conference that strives to be an open, friendly, and inclusive conference.
Who are the organizers? (In alphabetical order)
While the organizers of Babel run (or help run) these fleets and organizations, we sim in multiple places. We also aren't here to promote our own sims or organizations. That's why there are no fleet affiliations in nicknames. We're here as individuals and friends who want to learn and share more about the craft of simming. Everyone at Babel is welcome to talk about their sims or groups, but not use them in their nicknames. This is not a place to advertise who you are and where you come from.
However, to be transparent, these are the fleets and organizations behind Babel (listed in alphabetical order).
Amanda Rose is one of the heads of RPG Writing, and one of the admin for Babel.
Azmaria is the heart and soul of the Split-World Alliance. She also creates all our banners and images.
Beth is one of the Admin for Sim Central and has been one of the admin for Babel since 2022.
Cara Letsul is one of the fleet admin for MFU and is new to Babel.
Kathryn Burke is the commander of Theta Fleet and helped create Babel.
Mystic Fans (MFU)
MFU is a small community now in its fourth year of operation.
If I were to describe RPG Writing, it would be as a group of independent sims that have a common set of ideals. These sims and writers are a community where we write and interact. Nobody is in charge of anyone else out of character. We do not have out-of-character ranks. There are no power plays.
Sim Central is an online role-playing game (RPG) community. Welcoming all genres and universes of RPGs, Sims, or Fics. The community provides a place for game managers and players to come together, share ideas, encourage each other's creativity, and enjoy a welcoming and positive environment. Our players collaborate to create an open and supportive space for gaming veterans and newbies alike. Join us on Discord today (https://discord.gg/simcentral) to learn about games in our group or inquire about setting up a new RPG, Sim, or Fic. Information on the RPGs that make their home on Sim Central can be found on our website: https://simcentral.org/
The Split World Alliance is a group of science fiction simulation games, all of whom have pledged a sisterhood to each other. These simulations share ideas with each other and lend assistance when necessary, but we are not a fleet. There is no command structure, no authority to whom the games must submit. A member simulation may be independent or part of a fleet, and membership is not limited to individual simulations. Fleets, task groups, and task forces are also welcome to join. Requirements for joining the Alliance include placing a banner link to the Split-World Alliance webpage or its list of SWA Member Simulations. This allows for shared membership and webpage traffic, as well as giving you easy access to the Split World network, through which we offer shared resources and support. In exchange for placing a banner link to Split World, we will display a banner link to your simulation on the Split World website. We can use a banner that you provide or make one for you, free of cost. We also ask that you share stories and technology ideas that your simulation uses, so that every member simulation can see your creativity and resourcefulness.
Theta Fleet (7th Fleet)
Established in 2009, Theta Fleet welcomes writers new and old to join one of our current sims, bring in an existing game, or start a new one. We have two Task Forces, TF23 is set in 2395 and is Roddenberry Trek (does not include Abrams Trek and beyond). Area 51 is for all flavors of Trek and non-Trek games.
Our rules are reasonable. We focus on storytelling and character development.
We’re a family that helps and encourages each other. Admiralty handles administration and paperwork. The admiralty and GMs constitute a Council of Commanders that help with any fleet changes. Attendance at meetings or filing reports is appreciated but not required.
Visit our website or join us on Discord.